Environmental, Social, and Governance
At Enterprise Offshore, our core values require us to “always do the right thing”. To us, this means it is our responsibility to take action and help protect the environment, to give back to the communities that we serve, and to enhance the quality of life of our employees. The oil and gas industry will continue to provide energy to the world economy for decades to come, and it is incumbent on us to do our part in a responsible manner. This commitment is not only the right thing to do – it’s good business and is a perfect fit with our core values.
The global economy, the manufacture of goods, the provision of services, and the expanding populations are having a negative effect on our ecosystems and Enterprise Offshore is committed to doing our part to become part of the solution.
Gulf of Mexico oil and gas production has a carbon intensity one-half of other producing regions, primarily due to minimized flaring, the lack of hydraulic fracturing, and limited need for land transportation.
In 2020
EOD began the process of replacing all incandescent and fluorescent lighting with LED lighting fleetwide to increase energy efficiency

In 2021
EOD introduced a recycling program for the offshore fleet and projecting to recycle 8 tons of plastic annually

We believe in the concept of giving back to the communities we serve by volunteering time and through charitable donations to local charities.

Dedicated to serving the local community through donations and through employee volunteering

Bi-annual volunteering program for office staff to support local non-profits and serve the community

World class safety performance and leadership

Talent development and safety training programs in place

Our company is governed by business practices that keep us accountable, create a culture of integrity, and mitigate risk. We are committed to corporate governance and are focused on maintaining high ethical standards. We believe that our employees, customers, and shareholders deserve a company that they can trust.

Compensation plan is contingent upon the achievement of environmental, safety, and performance-based goals

Annual financial auditing performed by PKF International
Fully compliant with the following agencies:

U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR)

International Maritime Organization (IMO)

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Leader in USGOM Regulatory Compliance Statistics:
Below IADC average for TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate

Below IADC average for LTIR: Lost Time Incident Rate